"Chhota Bheem" character is an unusual inspiration for the kids today. If you are surrounded by kids in the age group of 2-5 years old, I can bet you can always strike a conversation with them regarding Chhota Bheem. The kids can recall the stories related to him in daily life and love this icon of theirs. Birthday parties themes, door stickers, and merchandise are some of the ways the kids patronize this special character in their life.
Chhota Bheem |
During my childhood days, I cherished a secret dream of becoming a cartoonist since I was, and I am still, extremely fond of cartoons. I like to update myself regularly with the latest popular cartoons. The best part about the Chhota Bheem story is that it is depicted in the backdrop of Indian village Dholakpur with modern outlook and right morals which really helps the child imbibe certain morals unconsciously.
This one is dedicated to my three and half year old niece who is a die hard fan of Chhota Bheem!